Female Human Bloodrager (Urban) 1, Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer/Ravener hunter) 8
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid (human)
Player Nostrix (<140263-13>)

Init +6 (+2 dex, +3 wis, +1 ioun stone)
Senses Perception +15

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18; (+8 armor, +2 dex, +1 dodge) +4 dodge vs AoO while moving
HP 85 (1d10, +8d8, +27 con, +8 fcb)
Fort +16 (con +3, resist +3, profane +2, class +8) Heroism+2
Refl +7 (dex +2, resist +3, class +2) Heroism +2
Will +11 (wis +2, resist +3, class +6) Heroism +2
Resist Fire: 4, Acid: 4, Electricity: 4, Cold: 4 Neg. energy: 10
Four-leaf clover (3/d): +3 ability/skill or save
Mind crystal: Whenever you fail a saving throw against a compulsion effect, you can attempt a new saving throw at the end of your turn (using the original DC).
Sihedron brand: Gain +2 profane bonus to Fort. 1/d add 2xlevel temp hps for 3 minutes.

Speed 50ft, with armor 50ft, fly 60 ft (Bloodrager +10, Cinder dance +10)
Melee PowerAttack MW CI Greatsword +11/+6 2d6+13 19-20
Melee PowerAttack MW Alc.Silver Lucerne Hammer +11/+6 1d12+13 x2
Melee PowerAttack +1 Furious Chainsaw 'Ran' +11/+6 3d6+14 18-20
Melee PowerAttack, Rage +1 Furious Chainsaw 'Ran' +15/+10 3d6+19 18-20
Melee PA, Study, Rage, Bane: +1 Furious Chainsaw 'Ran' +17/+12 5d6+23 18-20 (Crit: 8d6+46)
Ranged Darkwood composite Longbow[+3] +9/+4 1d8+3 X3
Sneak attack: +3d6
Destined strike: free action 3/d +1 insight on 1 attack
Studied target: swift +3 attack/damage (Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival)
Bane: +2 attack, +2d6+2 damage 8 rds/d
Controlled bloodrage +4 str, dex or con 13 rds/d

Inquisitor Spells:(CL 9) Concentration: +12
3rd (3+1/d) Heroism, Keen edge, Invisibility purge
2nd (4+1/d) See invisibility, Resist energy, Align weapon, Weapon of awe, Lesser restoration
1st (5+1/d) Divine favor, Expeditious retreat, Heightened awareness, Shield of faith, Cure light wounds
0th Light, Detect magic, Read magic, Guidance, Stabilize, Create water

Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 25

  • 1: Power attack (-2 +6)
  • 1: Dodge (Human)
  • 3: Mobility
  • 4: Demon Hunter(bonus, +2 to ID demons and followers, +2 morale to attack rolls)
  • 5: Spring attack
  • 6: Nimble moves(bonus, ignore 5ft of difficult terrain, can 5ft step)
  • 7: Scavenger's luck, Escape routeTW
  • 9: Extra rage, Accomplished sneak attackertalent

Skills acp: -1; total skill ranks: 61, Monster knowledge +3, Awareness +2 (knowledges), Heroism +2

  • Acrobaticsc (2) +6
  • Appraise (0)
  • Bluffc (1) +7
  • Climbc (1) +8
  • Craftc ()
  • Diplomacyc (4) +11
  • Disable device (0)
  • Disguisec (1) +7
  • Escape artistc (1) +6
  • Fly (4) +8
  • Handle animal (0)
  • Healc (1) +6
  • Intimidatec (1) +11
  • Knowledge(arcana)c (2) +5
  • Knowledge(engineering) (1) +1
  • Knowledge(local)c (3) +6
  • Knowledge(nature)c (3) +6
  • Knowledge(religion)c (3) +6
  • Knowledge(planes)c (3) +6
  • Knowledge(dungeoneering)c (2) +5
  • Linguisticsc (1) +4
  • Perceptionc (8) +14
  • Perform (0) +3
  • Professionc (0)
  • Ridec (1) +6
  • Sense motivec (8) +19
  • Sleight of hand (0)
  • Spellcraftc (1) +4
  • Stealthc (1) +6
  • Survivalc (4) +10 (+4 find/id tracks)
  • Swimc (1) +8
  • Use magic device (4) +8

Traits: Fate's favored, Magical knack(Inquisitor)
Languages: Common, Hallit
RSQ: Skilled, Bonus feat
SQ: Charged by nature (Flame mystery: Cinder dance, Wings of fire), Holy magic (all [good] cleric spells added to list), Stern gaze (+1/2 level sense motive, intimidate), Detect alignment, Track (+1/2 level find/identify tracks), Monster knowledge (+wis to ID monster), Cunning initiative (+wis Init), Discern lies, Solo tactics. \\

On person: Holy Symbol of Desna (tattoo), Four-leaf clover, Griffin mane traveller's outfit (5lbs), MW CI Greatsword (8lbs), MW Alc Silver Lucerne hammer (12lbs), Mithral Breastplate (12.5lbs), Wayfinder, Darkwood comp. longbow [+3] (1.5lbs), 20 durable CI arrows (3lbs), 20 durable silver arrows (3lbs), Belt of physical might, Headband of WIS+2, +1 Chainsaw 'Ran' (7) (10lbs), Locked gauntlet, Masterwork backpack, Inquisitor's kit (34lbs) Lesser extend metamagic rod
Scrolls: Lesser Restoration (x5), Remove Blindness, Remove Paralysis, Remove Fear, Dispel Magic
Wealth 5,496
Potions/Oils: Touch of the Sea, Oil of Daylight
Wands: Heightened awareness (39), CLW (70), Longstrider (42)
Miscs: Alchemist's Fire (x5), Alchemist's Ice (x5), Acid (x5), Holy Water (x5)
Ioun Stones: Cracked pink & green sphere (+1 UMD), Cracked pink & green sphere (+1 Diplo), cracked dusty rode prism (+1 init), Cracked opalescent white pyramid (chainsaw)
Encumbrance 89 lbs. (116/233/350)

Wondrous Items

  • Head Circlet of persuasion
  • Headband Headband of inspired wisdom +2
  • Face/Eyes Lenses of the predator's gaze
  • Neck Talisman of Freedom (Sun Shogun), Scarab
  • Shoulders Cloak of resistance +2
  • Chest
  • Body
  • Armor Mithral breastplate
  • Belt Belt of physical might +2 (CON, STR)
  • Wrist
  • Hand
  • Ring
  • Ring
  • Feet


  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

Things to buy

  • Vicious weapon (+10,000)

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