Itse olen tehnyt niin, että jokainen loitsu, feat, skill yms. on omalla rivillään ja jokaisella on linkki d20pfsrd:n vastaavaan asiaan, esimerkiksi:

1st (3/day) — Acid Arrow, Comprehend Languages
Feats Power Attack, Dodge
Skills Appraise +4 (1), Craft (alchemy) +4 (1),
Tällä tavoin asiat ovat edes jonkinlaisessa järjestyksessä muokkausruudussa, ja linkit eivät huku sotkuun.


Edric Kaddren

Spelliostokset päivittämättä: 3xlvl6 + 1xlvl1 + 500 gp Eye Ointment Säästä Quicken Rod

Tässä teille haste, tuossa summonnattuja lepakoita. Herättäkää minut, kun taistelu on ohi, ja jatkatte matkaa.

N Male Human Wizard(Thassilonian Specialist: Sloth) 11
Player JJape 66474-6
Xp 30
Prestige/Fame 43/51 (päivittämättä)

Init +9
Senses Perception +11

AC 12(16 with Mage Armor), Touch:12, Flat: 10
hp 92(10d6+10+10*3+10)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +11, +5 vs. death
Special Defenses Sihedron Medallion: free action -> 1d10+5 hp

Speed 30ft (40 ft with longstrider)
Melee Spiked Gauntlet +3 1d4-2, x2
Ranged Light Crossbow +7 1d8
Ranged Acid Dart +7 1d6+5, targets touch AC, 11/day

Prohibited Schools. Illusion, Evocation
Spells Prepared (Concentration: +19/+23; CL11)
6th(1+1+2)(DC 24) — 2xSummon Monster VI, Piercing Suffocation(DC 23), Greater Dispel Magic
5th(2+1+2)(DC 23) — 2xSummon Monster V, Overland Flight, Life Bubble/teleport, Piercing Enervation(DC 22)
4th(3+2+2)(DC 22) — Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Piercing Haste, Stoneskin, 3xPersistent Glitterdust(DC 21)
3rd(4+2+2)(DC 21) — 2xHeightened Glitterdust(DC 22), 2xHaste, heroism, Dispel Magic, Fly, Communal Resist Energy
2nd(4+2+2)(DC 20) — 3xGlitterdust(DC 21), Create Pit, False Life, See Invisibility, Darkvision, Resist Energy
1st(4+2+2)(DC 19) — 1xFeather Fall, 3xGrease(DC 20), Obscuring Mist, Touch of the Sea, Protection from Evil, SM1
Orisons (at will) — Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigation, Message
Arcane Bond: Can cast one extra spell (any from spellbook)
Dimensional Steps(330 ft/day)

Spells Known
6th - Summon Monster VI, Greater Dispel Magic, Legend Lore, True Seeing, Getaway
5th - Suffocation, Summon Monster V, Teleport, Overland Flight, Communal Stoneskin, Fickle Winds, Feeblemind, Life Bubble
4th - Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Enervation, Stoneskin, Summon Monster IV, Confusion, Black Tentacles, Fear, Ride the Waves
3rd - Summon Monster III, Stinking Cloud, Fly, Haste, Sleet Storm, Slow, Magic Circle Against Evil, Heroism, Resist Energy(communal), Dispel Magic
2nd - Summon Monster II, Glitterdust, False Life, Resist Energy, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Locate Object, Create Pit
1st —Summon Monster I, Grease, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Evil, Mage Armor', Unseen Servant, Charm Person, Enlarge Person, Feather Fall, Touch of the Sea, True Strike, Mount, Expeditious Retreat, Ant Haul''
Cantrips/Orisons (at will) — all

Str 7, Dex 14(12), Con 16(14), Int 27(21), Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Spell Focus:Conjuration(bonus feat), Augment Summoning, Acadamae Graduate(human feat), Toughness(lvl 3), Improved Initiative(lvl 5), Heighten Spell(bonus feat, wiz 5), Superior Summoning, Combat Casting, Persistent Spell(bonus, wiz 10), Piercing Spell
Skills Appraise +12 (1), Craft: Sihedrons +12 (1), Diplomacy +11(headband), Fly +9 (5), Knowledge:Arcana +21/+23 (11), Knowledge:Dungeoneering +12/+14 (1), Knowledge:Engineering +12/+14 (1), Knowledge: Geography +12/+14 (1), Knowledge:History +21/+23 (11), Knowledge:Local +12/+14 (1), Knowledge:Nature +12/+14 (1), Knowledge: Nobility +12/+14 (1), Knowledge:Planes +21/+23 (11), Knowledge:Religion +17/+19 (7), Linguistics +21 (11), Perception +11 (headband), Sense Motive +11 (headband), Spellcraft +21 (11), Swim +0 (2), Use Magic Device +5 (1)
Traits Reactionary, Dangerously Curious
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Ancinent Osirani, Ancinent Thassilonian, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Taldan, Terran, Old Azlant, Elven, Daemonic, Jitska, Undercommon
SQ Arcane Bond(ring), Thassilonian Specialist:Sloth, Cantrips, Summoner`s Charm, Acid Dart(10/day)

On person Scholar`s Outfit, Spell Component Pouch, Spiked Gauntlet, Spellbook, Spell component pouch, Ioun Torch, Sihedrion Medallion, Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone, Headband of Vast Intelligence +6(Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive), Belt of Physical Might +2(Con/Dex), ring(arcane bond), Wayfinder(uniquem +2 vs. pathfinders), Cloak of Resistance +4, lesser silent rod, Ring of Invisibility(arcane bond), Wand of Heightened Awareness
In Handy Haversack Wizard`s Kit, Chronicler Kit, Rope, Light Crossbow, 30xbolts, , Wand of Infernal Healing, Wand of Mage Armor, Wand of Longstrider, 10xAcid Flask, Pathfinder Chronicles(all), Courtier`s Outfit&jewels, lesser extend rod, 750 gp diamond&geanite dust, Unlife Gem, 500 gp Eye Ointment
Wealth 4,234
Encumbrance ??

-10 gp

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