Pathfinder Society -hahmot

Itse olen tehnyt niin, että jokainen loitsu, feat, skill yms. on omalla rivillään ja jokaisella on linkki d20pfsrd:n vastaavaan asiaan, esimerkiksi:

1st (3/day) — Acid Arrow,

Comprehend Languages
Feats Power Attack, Dodge
Skills Appraise +4 (1), Craft (alchemy) +4 (1),
Tällä tavoin asiat ovat edes jonkinlaisessa järjestyksessä muokkausruudussa, ja linkit eivät huku sotkuun.


Damien Lou

Order to Chaos

LN Male Half-Elf Occultist 2
Player JJape

Init +3
Senses Perception +7, low-light vision

AC 17(+1 dex; +6 armor), Touch:11, Flat: 16
with Shield 21 ; 11 ; 20
hp 17(2d8+2*2)
Fort +6(+5), Ref +2(+1), Will +5(+4)
Special defenses Elven Immunities;

Speed 30 ft
mwk Hooked Lance +5 1d8+4
+1 Hooked Lance +5 1d8+5
as above + Lead Blades +5 2d6+5
Longbow +2 1d8
Special attacks:

Impelementations: Abjuration, Enchantment, Transmutation
Mental Focus Point total: (4int+2lvl+2feat+1FC)=9
Occultist Spells (CL2, Concentration: +6)
1st(3/day)(DC 15) — Charm Person'E,T, Lead Blades'E,T, Shield'E,T
Knacks (at will) —
Light'E, Mending'E,T, Resistance'E,T,

Enchantment: Amulet of Aroden ; 3 FP usually
Resonant Power: +1 to Charisma based skills(X/2, max 1+lvl/4)
Base Power: Cloud Mind(HD equal or less -> 1r daze ; otherwise 1r stagger ; will negates ; 30 ft
Focus powers: Obey (works as command ; 30ft ; -2 to save if same subtype)

Transmutation: Belt ; 4 FP usually
Resonant Power: +2 Strength (FP/3 - max 1+lvl/6lvl - enchantment bonus to physical stat
Base Power: +1 to weapon for 1 min(1+lvl/6 - enchantment bonus to weapon)
Focus powers: Sudden Speed (swift, +30 ft to movement)

Abjuration: Armor; 2 FP usually
Resonant Power: +1 to saves (FP/2 - max 1+lvl/4lvl )
Base Power: Protect 2xlvl hp (Swift:1FP ; Immeadiate:2FP)
Focus powers:

Str 16 (14), Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Extra Focus
Skills Acrobatics + (), Appraise (), Bluff +5/-1 (0), Climb + (), Craft:Alchemy +8 (1), Diplomacy +10/+4 (2), Disable Device () (with tools), Disguise +3 (1), Escape Artist + (), Fly (), Intimidate (0), Knowledge:Arcana +8 (1), Knowledge: Dungeoneering (), Knowledge:Engineering +8 (1), Knowledge:Geography (), Knoledge:Local (), Knowledge:History +8 (1), Knowledge:Nature (), Knowledge:Nobility +5 (1), Knowledge:Religion +8 (1), Knowledge:Planes +8 (1), Linguistics +8 (1), Perception +7 (1), Sense Motive +5 (1), Sleight of Hand , Spellcraft +8 (1), Stealth (), Use Magic Device +4 (1), Swim +0 (1)
Traits Reactionary, Student of Philosophy
Languages Taldan, Elven, Old Azlant, Ancinent Osirion, Ancinent Thassilonian, Ancinent Jitska, Kelish
SQ Keen Senses, Ancestral Arms(Hooked Lance), , Favored class to FP(0,5/lvl), Object Reading

On person Amulet of Aroden, Breastplate, Stlish Belt, CMW-potion, 2xAlchemist Fire, Sap, +1 Longbow, 20xArrows
In backpack/Haversack Pathfinder Kit, Dungeoneering Kit
Encumbrance ??
Notes \\

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