Pathfinder Society -hahmot

Beasly Linton

Beasly Linton

Male Halfling0 Monk(Master of Many Styles) 2/Fighter(Lore Warden) 2/Bard 4/Dragon Disciple 4 (+4hp)
Chaotic Good small Humanoid (halfling)
Player mosillan (37103-12)
Xp 33
Faction Taldor
Prestige/Fame 48/56

Init +12 (+3 dex, +1 ioun, +4 circumstance, +4 feat)
Senses Perception +22 (+2 morale, +2 circumstance)

AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 22; (+3 dex, +7 armor, +1 size, +1 dodge, +3 NA, +1 deflection)
hp 114 (2d10 + 6d8 + 4d12 + 12 x 3 con + 4 fc)
Fort +13 (+3 con, +3 m, +3 f, +1 b, +2 DD, +1 racial)(+2 morale)
Ref +12 (+3 dex, +3 m, +0 f, +4 b, +1 DD, +1 racial)(+2 morale)
Will +11 (+1 wis, +3 m, +0 f, +4 b, +2 DD, +1 racial)(+2 morale)
Special Defenses

  • Evasion
  • Fearless
    • +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
  • Well-Versed
    • The bard gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.
  • Flagbearer
    • +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and charm effects.
  • Banner of Ancient Menas
    • +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
    • If the carrier of the banner fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, he may attempt a new saving throw against that effect every round he continues to wield the banner.
  • Dragon Resistances
    • Resist 5 cold

Speed 30ft, with armor 30ft

  • +1 Longspear +15/+10 1d6+7 (20/x3) P
  • Mwk Whip +15/+10 1d2+2 (20/x2) S
  • Sap +14/+9 1d4+2 (20/x2) B
  • Rapier +14/+9 1d4+2 (18-20x2) P
  • CI short sword +14/+9 1d4+2 (19-20x2) P
  • Unarmed Strike +15/+10 1d4+5 (20/x2) B
  • Bite +15 1d4+7, 2x Claw +15 1d3+5

Special Offenses:

  • Combat Experties -3 Ar -> +3 AC
  • Crane Style: fighting defensively -2 Ar -> +6 AC

Spells known (CL 7, consentration +13)
3rd: (1+1/day) (DC 16)- Dimension Door, Haste
2nd: (3+1/day) (DC 15)- Heroism, Gallant Inspiration, Mirror Image, Tongues
1st: (4+1/day) (DC 14)- Cure light wounds, Saving Finale, Long Arm, Feather Fall
Cantrips: (DC 13)- Detect Magic, Message, Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Mending, Prestidigitation

Str 18 (12+2+4), Dex 16, Con 16 (13+1), Int 14 (12), Wis 12 (10), Cha 16
Bab +9/+4 (+3 b, +2 f, +1 m, +3 dd)
CMB 12 (+4 str, +9 bab, -1 size)
CMD 27 (+4 str, +9 bab, -1 size, +3 dex, +1 dodge, +1 deflection, +10)

Skills 7+5+5+5+5+7+7+7+3+3+3+3 = 57 | acp 0

  • Acrobaticsc (4) +10
  • Appraisec (1) +6
  • Bluffc (12*) +21
  • Climbc (1) +5
  • Craftc +2
  • Diplomacyc +6 | Use Perform(Oratory)
  • Disable device +3
  • Disguisec (1) +10
  • Escape artistc (4) +10
  • Flyc +3
  • Handle animalc (1) +7
  • Heal +1
  • Intimidatec +6
  • Knowledge(arcana)c (6) +13
  • Knowledge(dungeoneering)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(engineering)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(geography)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(history)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(local)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(nature)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(nobility)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(planes)c (1) +7
  • Knowledge(religion)c (1) +7
  • Linguisticsc (3) +8
  • Perceptionc (12) +23
  • Performc(oratory) (12) +21
  • Professionc +1
  • Ridec +3
  • Sense motivec +1 | Use Perform(Oratory)
  • Sleight of handc (1) +7
  • Spellcraftc (1) +6
  • Stealthc (1) +11
  • Survivalc (1) +5
  • Swimc (1) +5
  • Use magic devicec (1) +10

Traits Helpful halfling1, Maestro of the Society2
Languages Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Azlant, Ancient Osirian, Draconic, Goblin
RSQ Fearless, Halfling luck, sure-footed, Fleet of Foot, Weapon Familiarity, Keen senses
SQ Bardic knowledge, Bardic Performance (as bard7) 14rounds/day, Fuse Style, Stunning Fist 2/day DC 16, Evasion, Versatile performance(Oratory (Diplomacy, Sense Motive)), well-versed, Inspire competence +2, Blood of dragons(silver)(2x Claws 1d3 , Bite 1d4), natural armor increase (+2), Ability boost (Str +4), bloodline feat, dragon bite, Breath Weapon(4d6, DC 15)

On person Mithral Shirt (5lb), Mwk Whip (1lb), Sap (1lb), Rapier (1lb), Cold Iron short sword (1b), Handy haversack(5lb), Explorer's outfit (4lb), Banner of the Menas
Wands: CLW,
In Handy haversack: 10x pathfinder's chronicles, pathinder's kit
Other residences: Cold-weather outfit (4lb)
Ioun Stones: ioun torch, Cracked Dusty Rose Prism, Incandescent Blue Sphere
Encumbrance 23 lb. without backpack (32/64/97), z lb. with mwk-backpack (37/75/112)

Wondrous Items

Height & Weight: 2'11" (89cm) & 35 lb (16kg)
0 Halflings are nimble and strong-willed, but their small stature makes them weaker than other races. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and –2 Strength.
1 +4 aid another
2 +3 rounds of bardic performance


  1. : Bard 1
  2. : Fighter(Lore Warden):
  3. : Fighter(Lore Warden)2
  4. : Monk(Monk of many styles)1
  5. : Monk(Monk of many styles)2
  6. : Bard 2
  7. : Bard 3
  8. : Bard 4
  9. : DD 1
  10. : DD 2
  11. : DD 3, hp +9; bab +1; sr 3, Breath Weapon, FEAT:??
  12. : DD 4, hp +9; bab +1; sr 3, Ability boost (Str +2), natural armor increase (+1), STR +1


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