Female Half-elf Brawler 6
N Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Player Sazmo
Init +8 (+2 Dex, +4 feat, +2 trait)
Senses Perception +12, Low-light Vision
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +2 dodge, +1 natural)
Fort +7 (+2 Con, +5 class)
Ref +7 (+2 Dex, +5 class)
Will +6 (+1 Wis, +2 class, +1 trait, +2 racial)
Special Defences
+2 vs. enchantment, immunity to sleep effects
Speed 30 ft., with armor 30 ft.
Special Offense Power Attack, Deadly Aim
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +9 (+10 to grapple); CMD 23 (24 vs. grapple)
House Rule: Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Combat Expertise
Skills ACP: -3; skill ranks per level: 5 = 4 + 1 Int
c class skill
Traits Boarded in the Shackles (+1 Will), Elven reflexes (+2 initiative)
Languages Taldan, Elven, Polyglot
RSQ Keen Senses, Elven Immunities, Dual Minded, Low-light Vision, Elf Blood, Multitalented
SQ Brawler's Cunning, Martial Flexibility (6/day, two feats), Martial Training, Unarmed Strike, Brawler's Flurry (TWF), Maneuver Training (grapple +1), AC Bonus +1, Knockout (1/day), Brawler's Strike (magic), Close Weapon Mastery
On person:
In backpack: Bedroll (5 lbs), Flint and Steel, Waterskin (4 lbs), Ink, Inkpen, partially completed Abendego Cantos, 5 x Torch
Encumbrance lb. without backpack (76/77-153/154-230), lb. with backpack
10 (1st level max), 5, 7, 8, 5,
Aerys is a native of Port Peril. The relationship of her human mother and Ekujae elf father (an ex-slave) didn't last long, and her father departed to the Mwangi Expanse while Aerys was still a child. She knew from earliest childhood that she wanted to captain her own ship—it didn’t matter whether as merchant, navy, or pirate. Yet as she grew into adulthood as a woman of rare beauty, she discovered that achieving her dream in such a male-dominated profession would be more difficult than she’d hoped, especially without good connections in the unsavory Shackles.
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