
Why don't we play a little game of cat and mouse?

Male Pahtra Ace Pilot Operative (ghost) 10
Neutral Medium Humanoid (pahtra)
Player Nostrix, (<140263-703>)
Xp 27 Fame 34
Faction Acquisitives
Homeworld Pulonis (Vesk-6)

Init +14 (+7 Dex, +3 Edge, +4 feat)
Senses Darkvision, Low light vision, Blindsense Perception +16

KAC 30, EAC 29 (+12/+11 armor, +6 Dex, +1 graft)
SP|HP|RP 70 | 64 | 11
Fort +7 (+1 Con +3 Operative, +1 Resistance, +2 Feat)
Ref +14 (+6 Dex, +7 Operative)
Will +12 (+1 Wis, +7 Operative, +2 Feat)
Evasion, Uncanny agility, Resist 5 Fire, Cold, Electric
+2 vs charm and compulsion
An off-kilter pahtra doesn’t gain the flat-footed condition or take the normal penalty to attacks, and she can steady herself as a swift action instead of a move action.

Speed 60 ft. Fly 30 ft.
Melee Survival knife +16 1d4+5 (S) analog, operative
Ranged Advanced Semi-auto pistol +16 2d6+5 analog
Ranged Corona laser pistol +16 2d4+5 F
Ranged Pulsecaster pistol +16 1d4+5 E
Ranged Pilot handcoil +16 2d8+5 E
Trick attack stealth (+26), DC 20+CR, +5d8 damage (+flat footed, off-target, staggered, or deactivated).

Str 9, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk 7
Skills acp 0; Total skill ranks: (80 Operative + 40 INT, Free ranks: acrobatics, stealth) = 120+20; Edge +3

  • Acrobaticsc (10) +27
  • Athleticsc (1) +6
  • Bluffc (10) +19
  • Computersc (10) +20
  • Culturec (10) +20
  • Diplomacyc (10) +20
  • Disguisec (1) +6
  • Engineeringc (10) +20 / +24 vs traps
  • Intimidatec (1) +9
  • Life Sciencec (10) +21
  • Medicinec (1) +6
  • Mysticism (1) +3
  • Perceptionc (10) +18 (+21 Trap spotter)
  • Physical Science (4) +10
  • Pilotingc (10) +25
  • Profession c (1) +9 / +13 w/ tools
  • Sense motivec (10) +19
  • Sleight of Handc (10) +23
  • Stealthc (10) +27 (+1 to trick attack)
  • Survivalc (10) +20


  • 1: Skill Synergy (life Science & diplomacy), Skill focus (acrobatics, stealth)operative
  • 3: Weapon specialization, Weapon focus (small arms)
  • 5: Great fortitude
  • 7: Iron will
  • 9: Improved initiative


  • 2 Uncanny mobility
  • 4 Trap spotter
  • 5 Cloaking field
  • 6 Staggering shot
  • 8 Enhanced senses
  • 10 Deactivating shot

Languages Common, Pahtra, Vesk, Ysoki, Shirren
Class Features: Operative's edge, trick attack, Specialization mastery

Reputations Acquisitives 12, Tier ; Dataphiles , Tier ; Exo-Guardians , Tier ; Second Seekers , Tier ; Wayfinders , Tier

Credits 47,228
Combat gear Mk I healing serum
Other gear Survival knife, Tactical semi-auto pistol, Corona laser pistol [trailblazer], Pilot handcoil [sniper scope, 2xSmall arms rounds (30), Batteries (3), Free-booter Mk III [jetpack, Thermal capacitor I, Electrostatic field I, Reaction accelerator], Professional's tools, Trapsmith tools, Ring of resistance MKII, Explosive small arms rounds (30), Clearsight goggles
Augmentations Synaptic accelerators Mk II (DEX), Synergizing symbiote I (INT) Armor savant (skin), Maze mind (brain), Upgrade slot graft (spinal column), Speed suspension (legs)

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