Hi, there are so many brainfuck implementations and they all differ, so I thought there's a need to standardize brainfuck. I got together with ENSI and worked out this draft proposal. ENSI Brainfuck ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0. Overview of the language Brainfuck There's an array a and a pointer p. Brainfuck has eight standard commands: + - > < [ ] , . Use of any other characters in a brainfuck source file results in undefined behaviour. 1. Array-Size The array-size is implementation-dependant. 2. Pointer and Array-Element initializations. The initial pointer and array-element values are implementation-dependant. 3. The '+' command Use of the '+' command results in undefined behaviour. 4. The '-' command Use of the '-' command results in implemenation-dependant behaviour. 5. The '>' command Use of the '>' command results in undefined behaviour. 6. The '<' command Use of the '<' command results in undefined behaviour. 7. The '.' command Use of the '.' command results in implemenation-dependant behaviour. 8. The ',' command Use of the ',' command results in undefined behaviour. 9. The '[' command Use of the '[' command results in undefined behaviour. 10. The ']' command Use of the ']' command results in undefined behaviour. I hope this will let us work together on common interests in brainfuck in the future. Markus