
#Grim, #crunchy, #dark, #fantasy, #rpG

A living source for a grim scandinavian/slavic themed fantasy adventure game.


Or the known world

A cold and a harsh place mostly ruled by the kings of the Varyagi alliance and its vassals.

These heartlands of known world span the north from Norr to the Long Sea and expand to the northmost regions of Broken Lands.


South of the North

At the south-east reaches of Myrr lays a huge mountain range with countles fjords. There live the Svers - philosopher warriors who follow the old ways. LEgends tell that all Varyagi descend from the Sver kings who took the North and bound themselves under the Czar to take the Myrr as their domain.

Summer Isles

At the Edge of the Great Sea

South from Sver and south-west form the Broken Lands lies a long ribbon of mountainous Islands spanning from Sver to the ends of the Great Sea.

The Cataclysm..

..and connection to Earth's Quantum Timestream.

700 years ago, two warring races entered the world of Myrr through magic like technology. This cataclysm and the war of Black, White and Colourless splintered the world of Myrr from other Earths at a time comparable to our year 720. Thus, Myrr shares some elements of our earth's history, even as its current state is quite noncompatible with Earth's timeline.


The heroes of our story.

Sometimes you hear whispers in the wind. Some whispers tell of sagas of the past. But the Song of the Wind whispers the sagas of tomorrow. And once you hear it, there is no turning back. You have become a Bogatyri a hero of the Song.

Gods of Old

Protectors of the realm

Once a Bogatyri ascendant, forever a God.

Creating a Bogatyri

Where we come to the game part.


Who is our hero?

A Sver, a Kir, a Varyagi oathbreaker, a Northman or maybe a Chudij ranger.

Character creation

  1. Choose a background from:
    - Sver Swordsman,
    - Varyagi Oathless,
    - Northern Wichblood and
    - Chudiji Ranger.
  2. Choose a Strength.
  3. Choose equipment.
  4. Choose one completed path.
  5. Choose two open paths.

Base stats

In order: Miekkamies, Eränkävijä, Ryöväri, Skaldi, Tietäjä. or
Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Skald, Witch

Chudiji 1 3 1 2 2

Weaknes: Deception


Choose one:

  • Combat +S
  • Instinct +I
  • Foraging +S
  • Bravery +S
  • Stealth +I
  • Crafts +S
  • Fellowship +V
  • Deception +I
  • Knowledge +V
  • Witchcraft +V

Background: Sver Swordsman

The true enlightenment can only be found in battle.


Part berserker, part philosoper - the Sver Swordsman is a formidable fighter.

Base stats 3 1 2 2 1
Sisu: 14
Väki: 0

Weakness: Long range combat.



1. Puukko and Sver Helmet, OR

2. Sver War Axe, OR
Javelin and a round shield

3. Fur armor for 3 locations, OR
Sver Plates to any limb.


Riddle of Steel

Cost: 2S

Adds +2I

Background: Varyagi Oathless

I follow no kings but the Song.


All Kings and Lords of Varyagi understand the value of the Bogatyri. Therefore its no suprise a slave or a freeman Called by the Song is freed from his or her duties. Usefulness of the Bogatyri does not mean trustwothines though.

Base stats 1 1 3 2 2
Sisu: 12
Väki: 2

Weakness: Fellowship.



1. a Puukko, OR
a Club

2. Fur Armor to 2 hit locations, OR
Fur helmet

3. Bow and Spear, OR


One of Us

Cost: 1X

The Bogatyri becomes effectively invisible to all enemies, through her ability to belong.

"Who's that guy? Oh, he's been there all along, I though he was one of us!

Background: Norr Wichblood

The Old Blood runs in my veins.


Aeons before the cataclysm, the Matriarchy of Norr Witches was the mos powerfull entity in the known world. Now their descendants are feared aberrations who often decide to become Bogatyri just to escape their legacy.

Base stats 1 2 1 2 3
Sisu: 10
Väki: 4

Weakness: Feats of wisdom.



1. Puukko and Sver Helmet, OR

2. Sver War Axe, OR
Javelin and a round shield

3. Fur armor for 3 locations, OR
Sver Plates to any limb.


The Offering

Cost: 1X

Use Sisu as Väki and Väki as Sisu for the rest of the scene.

Skaldi's Road

So, you'd like to become a politician, son?

What's a Skaldi? A poet, a storyteller or a bard. Nay, none of them. A True Skaldi is more than just a peddler of words and songs. She is a leader. He is a lover. Or perhaps the Skaldi are more than we have words for.

Gamewise, using the speachmanship and skills of Skaldi's road is the easiest road to high Väki (might).


a Storyteller

Lightens the mood of the Bogatyri with a jest or a pun.

  1. Väki +2 · for the show of true spirit on her travels.


a Speaker

Solves and argument with words.

  1. Väki +1 · for the show of leadership.
  2. Fellowship or Cunning +1 · for the show of speachmanship.


a Vagabond

Avoids danger with cunning.

  1. Sisu +2 · for the show of perseverance in face of troubles.


Generic gear, weapons, armor and other usefull items

Puukko 2

Scandinavian or Finnish styled knife. Works for well in any situation.

Väkipuukko 3
* -

Scandinavian or Finnish styled larger knife.

Axe 3
/ One / Two handed

Your standard axe. Good for chopping firewood or making päreet (Small woodchops used like candles).

War Axe 3 / 5
/ One / Two handed

Classic viking style bearded axe. Not so good for making Päreet. Works better when päreet palaa (Loosing ones nerve).

Round Shield +2/+1
Combat / Ranged

Classic Viking style round Shield

Furs 1A
One / HL

Sami styled fur armour. Warm and offers basic defence.

Sver Plates 3A
One / HL

Plate armour crafted by legendary Sver smiths.

Saga of the Song

How the Song came to be?

Before we begin, I must warn you. The Good Men and Women of Serendipity hate the Saga and will turn on anyone asking about it its meaning. Why this is, you can only wonder...

And then there are the singers of Firefolk, who will tell that their ancestors song the Song... If you do not want to trust their colourfull stories, you should hear this one out.

According to the tale, our world is just one of many, all part of the same tree wowen from the fabric of time itself. As time progresses the tree branches creating two or more Realms with common history, but different futures. Some branches grow faster and time moves really fast in those Realms... and some grow really slow. There is only one now though, and one can not change the history. But a clever Kvandtinvakinen may traverse the branches to fight for many futures.

Outside of our Realm, a war has been fought between three great powers from two different branches. The Black and White of the Innumerable Depth and the Colourless of the Limitless Light. The war of these has touched our Realm thrice. Once when the White gave the Song to the Vallat to protect us; once when the Black came to claim this world form the Colourless; and once when the Vallat Sang the Colourless a realm-way to drive the Black from our World.

The Wolf-Maiden tells the skaldi that the Song was tricked form the White, with a promise of protection from their Black brothers. The Seafarer says it was given to honor the Old Guard's valor in the wars beyond our realm. The Grandfather asks us to follow the Song in our heart. The Light-Smith laughs at our questions and suggests that there is a bit of truth in the Firefolk's tale... for the White came to our Realm to steal the Song...

What of this is true? Maybe the Good Men and Women know more than they tell? Maybe you can ask next time you find yourself trespassing in the Light-Smith hieta?


© 2014 Myrrysmiehet and Ville Takanen.

Creative Commons License Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Previous versions etc.

Ikuisen tuulen laulu - current finnish only version of the game/setting

Myrin Sankarit - original campaign material for the game/setting

