PikiPiki + mods

This is the general-purpose distribution of PikiPiki as modified by Panu Kalliokoski.

New features

The modifications include, in no particular order:


PikiPiki is (currently) a CGI script. To use it, do the following:

  1. Drop piki.py somewhere it can be executed as a CGI script, which means most probably the cgi-bin of your web server. piki.py need not be so called; you can save it under any name.
  2. Configure the parameters near the beginning of piki.py to suit your needs.
  3. Create the data directories (their location is one of the configurable parameters so that they are writable by the HTTP daemon. This probably means something like the following:
    $ mkdir /my/data/dir /my/data/dir/fs
    $ chmod a+rwx /my/data/dir /my/data/dir/fs
  4. Drop fs.py somewhere where it can be found by Python's import: for example, the same dir as where you put piki.py, or somewhere in Python's load path.
  5. Point your browser at whatever name and place you saved piki.py in the web server and start making content.


This is thoroughly documented in my web diary's EditingTips, but because that's in Finnish, here is a short guide:

Begin line with to get a(n)

!!! heading
space + * ordinary list item
space + # numbered list item
(empty line) ordinary paragraph
{{{ preformatted text
}}} non-preformatted text
---- horizontal rule

Block-level markup

Put this in text to get a(n)

'' normal emphasis
''' strong emphasis
[page name] link
// (at the end of line) forced line break
http://url outside link
e@mail mailto: link

Inline markup

That's all, folks.