
hwechtla-tl: Luettavaa: viime muutokset


* http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~flach/Conjectures/ Peter Flach: Conjectures -- an Inquity Concerning the Logic of Induction * http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-inductive/ Bayesianismi * http://www.iep.utm.edu/c/conf-ind.htm Confirmation and Induction * http://logica.rug.ac.be/~dirk/induct.pdf (fra http://logica.rug.ac.be/~dirk/biblio.html) Diderik Batens: On a Logic of Induction * http://logica.rug.ac.be/~joke/tk.pdf Joke Meheus: Empirical Progress and Ampliative Adaptive Logics * http://www.creative-wisdom.com/pub/Peirce/Logic_of_EDA.html * http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~shm/Papers/alt90.pdf (fra http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~shm/cnf.html) Muggleton & Feng: Efficient Induction of Logic Programs * http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~shm/Papers/cigol.pdf (ditto) Muggleton & Buntine: Machine Invention of First-order Predicates by Inverting Resolution * http://www.starlab.vub.ac.be/staff/ademoor/papers/aaai05.pdf De Leenheer & de Moor: Context-driven Disambiguation in Ontology Elicitation (paljon viitteitä aiempiin ''kontekstin'' määrittelyihin AI:ssa) * http://www.oup.co.uk/pdf/0-19-852633-4.pdf * A Logic of Inductive Implication, or: Artificial Intelligence Meets Philosophy of Science II * http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00001942/03/ContributionSep 04-withaff-FranzHuber.pdf Franz Huber: The Logic of Confirmation and Theory Assessment * http://classes.uleth.ca/200201/logi3500a/ (Logic of abduction -kurssi; jännät määrittelyt de-, in- ja abduktiiviselle logiikalle) * http://user.uni-frankfurt.de/~wirth/inferenc.htm Uwe Wirth: What is abductive inference?


* http://www.springerlink.com/content/p07m73q605784091/ Denis Zwirn & Hervé Zwirn: Metaconfirmation (an article about supposed properties of confirmation relations) * A Model for Generalisation Based on Confirmatory Induction

(viimeksi muutettu 03.04.2008 13:18)