a regression test document
This should eventually end up in the ingress. Thank you!
This should be the next thing in the ingress. ?
foo — a useful program

foo begins
foo in action, this is a link to heaven.
foo ends

This should be a centered,
nice list.

Normal running text, strong stuff, emphasised stuff, literal stuff. See this?

Google - named link; http://www.google.fi/ - unnamed link.

There are two kinds of common people:
kind people, and people in common.
— Frank D. Roosevelt,esq.

A picture of a kaenggrakieppura posing testpackage used

Float 1.

Nothing here, actually.

The first float.

Float 2. Please see float 2 for details.

Nothing here, either.

The second float.

Float 3.

Well, here is at least something: some drunken marines trying to produce music

The third float.

Float 4.

Still nothing.

The fourth float.

Good we had that sorted out, isn't it? Note:

This is a note for your interest.

Go slow:

This admonition will give gentle words of caution.