My self-summary
I'm analytic, very confident, friendly, polite and diplomatic, straightforward and observative. I like thinking, I love life, and I learn almost anything with enthusiasm. Sometimes I feel like I'm a superhuman from the future, but usually I'll settle for being an alien from outer space without being sure about that. Oh, and by the way: all this boasting here is just because this text is supposed to be about me; when we meet, I'd rather talk with you about the history of Middle Earth, the importance of freedom, the right way to deal with dogmatism, or somesuch.
Most people love me, some hate me. Those who hate me usually hate me because I seem to be self-centric, but that's really an illusion: I'm actually only interested in other people, I know myself all too well. Some people have hard time dealing with me because my observations are sometimes offending; it takes a lot to be able to engage with me in a debate, when for some people it is too much to ask to be able to talk back.
You will find me interesting, hard to approach, and somehow intangible. I will find you understandable, amiable even, easy to hurt (even if you think otherwise) and taking too many things for granted. I will probably want you more for your physical appearance than for your personality, but will be most impressed if both are a good match for me.
Most things are easy for me. I am one of those people who can take any challenge and be of at least some use. You will find it rewarding to tell me what troubles you; I will almost always have insight.
What Im doing with my life
You will not probably believe this, but what I am doing is what you've always dreamed of doing. I get all those experiences you would like to have.
I smile at my children. I dance to a tune I'm enthusiastic about. I play a recorder. I climb on walls. I go to forbidden areas. I fuck in inappropriate places. I ride my bike and I spread my arms and pretend I'm flying. I meet my friends and talk about sex and programming. I experience envy, rage and happiness. I wonder about the vastness of the world. I meet new people and learn to do acrobatic stuff. I write stories which I hope will teach people to be free.
Im really good at
I'm quite good at almost everything. It's not just boast, try it out. I excel in only a few areas, such as programming language design and improvising stories that actually make you happy / sad. I know what monads are, I can (dis)prove the Turing-completeness of various computation formalisms, I can tell you of the pitfalls of (natural) language design, I can improvise poems, I can give very good definitions for abstract concepts on a short notice, and I have a vision of how the society would function better.
I really know what love means, nowadays. What I mean by this is that I know a lot about love-related feelings, and I'm almost sure that I know the kind that gives you the biggest kicks. I don't sneer at romantic passages in paperback novels: I know how they can be true.
I know really lot about languages, both formal, natural and artificial. I learn new languages really fast. I'm really fascinated about the relationship between symbol systems, game theory and reality.
I'm really good at being natural. When you meet me, it really is me. You won't start to find out things about me gradually after we've met; you will see everything. The first things people usually notice about me First off, people often notice _me_. I have a big presence. People usually notice that I'm honest, courageous and I have opinions that are hard to disprove (even if you find them somehow fishy).
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
book: The Dispossessed, by Ursula K. Le Guin.
movie: Mononokehime, by Miyazaki Hayao.
music: Always, by Para one.
food: fried rice with dhal and sweet hot sauce
The six things I could never do without
* a small rock * walking on ice on the sea * smirk on somebody's face * timidity * petals on skin * another small rock * serendipity * touching my cock * time
On a typical Friday night I am
a warrior.
No, really, I'm probably taking care of my kids, programming, or chatting with friends. Or maybe I'm just so fascinated of being alone, for once, that I'm running in the wood and howling at the moon. The most private thing Im willing to admit I have no privacy. What would you like to know?
* in the wikipedia article "list of paraphilias", at least half of them give some kicks to me. * my self esteem is based almost purely on ability to impress new people. * I find it more important to follow my instincts than to do something "right". * I seldom give people respect for being special; rather, I respect them for being nice, strong, and attractive in their own way.
You should message me if
you are good-looking (on my terms, which you can't know) _or_ you want to criticise me