Selitä tässä, mitä naama tarkoittaa.
{{{ to animate repeat 9 [ cs face list "eyes 10+repcount list "mouthD repcount wait 3 ] end
to eyes :size pu lt 90 fd 50 - :size pd repeat 36 [fd :size/10 rt 10] pu bk 100 - :size * 2 pd repeat 36 [fd :size/8 rt 10] end
to face :eyes :mouth lt 90 repeat 36 [fd 20 rt 10] rt 90 pu fd 50 pd run :mouth pu fd 50 pd run :eyes end
to mouthD :phase lt 90 repeat 9 - :phase [fd 10 rt 10] repeat :phase * 2 [fd 3 rt 10] rt 90 - :phase * 10 fd 140 - :phase * 16 rt 90 - :phase * 10 repeat :phase * 2 [rt 10 fd 3] repeat 9 - :phase [rt 10 fd 10] rt 90 end }}}